
LED backdrops provide a whole new world of possibilities for live stage productions bringing a responsiveness that Production Directors previously only dreamt of. Audiences can be transported on a realistic journey through clever production techniques coupled with high-end technology delivering life-like crystal clear quality.

Likewise live music concerts and festivals are now often judged by its audience on the quality of the multi-media presentation. Concert goers now expect exciting and vibrant on-screen presentations as part of the festival/concert experience.

Our experienced technicians possess the product knowledge and understanding of your needs to ensure that your on stage presentation leaves your audience talking about the visual experience long after the event.

Our PEP-FLEX screens can also be modelled around tight convex and concave corners seamlessly to further enhance the experience.

LED solutions also help to reduce unnecessary post-production waste with nothing being disposed of or going to landfill, whilst also helping to reduce the need for storage of large and bulky backdrops.