This story appears in the Autumn issue of Spice, (an Australian/Pacific based magazine) as part of its annual Hot Seat feature, which shines a spotlight on the MICE industry’s movers and shakers, and outlines what’s in store for the next 12 months.

As the events and exhibitions industries still regain strength after the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020/21, manufacturers are now growing in confidence and exciting new innovations and trends have begun to surface within the industry. 

But with these innovations, come challenges – staying ahead is not just a choice but a necessity. At PEP LED we’ve already geared up for the new emerging trends. We’ve already invested heavily in the equipment, technology and skills required to help our customers to standout not just for now, but in the future too.

Picture a world where LED design goes beyond the boundaries of the conventional 16:9 screen format. And picture this: a stage set, that becomes a canvas for presentations and video content – an immersive experience brought to life by the energy-efficient and instantly changeable brilliance of LED. Think beyond screens – build monumental structures, create custom shapes, and let the visual impact speak volumes. The modular nature of LED lets you fashion pillars or unique configurations such as pyramids or spheres while pairing it with a reflective black stage, raising its impact to the extraordinary. Or imagine an exhibition stand that truly releases its creativity with transparent LED screen that you can see straight through?

Think beyond the ordinary – here’s an eye-catching bespoke shape PEP built at Eular Exhibition

Bid farewell to conventional 16:9 slides and bullet points. Embrace the mobile-first content revolution with portrait screens for LED walls and projectors. The era of portrait screens is here, optimise the visual impact and call back to phone-based content, delivering a familiar yet radically different audience experience.

Think portrait, think mobile cameras when designing sets and stands.

In a world where time is precious, events are following suit. Whether virtual or in-person, shorter sessions are the new norm. Keynotes, once a marathon at 50 minutes, now distil the essence in a power-packed 20 minutes, leaving room for dynamic 20-minute Q&A sessions.

Keep presentations shorter and more concise leaving more time for Q&A and keeping subsequent recordings shorter

The stage is set for a new dimension of engagement. Gamify your events, introduce presenters with intriguing truths or lies, and add layers to the personalities on stage. Virtual elements, born from the necessity of the COVID era, have seamlessly transitioned into live spaces, offering an engaging and interactive experience. Touchscreens are on trend at the moment and are set to expand, giving visitors more interaction with brands and allowing brand owners and managers to recruit new followers.

Or imagine you’re wanting people to engage with your actual products – the moment a visitor picks up a bottle of wine, it activates a screen telling the user all about the vineyard and the unique characteristics of the wine – there’s even a button on the screen asking for an advisor.

Engage your audience with immersive touchscreen and gamification experiences

Witness the evolution of corporate speakers or exhibition stand hosts shedding the traditional suit and tie. The tie, once a symbol of formality, has disappeared from offices, ushering in a less formal era. Embrace the authenticity of humanisation as corporate speakers redefine their appearance, bringing a new level of relatability to the stage or the stand.

‘Business casual’ is the new dress code for conferences and presentations. Think Steve Jobs!